Battling Inflammation in Children, and How the Protocol Can Help

Article By: Dr. Jay Davidson & Dr. Todd Watts

Parents always worry about their children’s health. No one wants a child to suffer from illness, but unfortunately, that’s life sometimes. One of the main triggers of childhood illnesses is inflammation. Treating the root cause of that inflammation is a key way to reduce symptoms and combat preventable flare-ups and their results.

Sometimes, over-the-counter or prescription medications only suppress the symptoms of an ailment rather than fix the problem. Fortunately, there are many safe and natural approaches to the common health concerns children face. With foundational medicine, getting to the root cause may not only lessen the symptoms, but eradicate the problem at its source. (1)

Common Inflammation Reactions in Children

When many people think of inflammation, they think of bruising, redness, and swelling. But internal, uncontrolled inflammation — what you can’t see — can be damaging, and plays a role in most diseases. In children, two of the most common ways inflammation presents itself are through allergies and eczema.


Allergic diseases in children have increased significantly in recent years and now affect up to 35% of children globally. Kids can be allergic to more than you can count, but the most common allergies are animal dander, dust, food, insect stings, medications, and pollen. Symptoms can vary and can affect a child’s breathing, skin, and organs. (23)

The symptoms of an allergic reaction include: (4)

  • Cramps

  • Diarrhea

  • Difficulty breathing

  • Eczema

  • Hives

  • Itching or swelling of lips, mouth, or tongue

  • Itching or tightness in the throat

  • Swelling

  • Vomiting

Root causes of allergies — Allergies occur as a reaction to a foreign substance or food. The immune system thinks an allergen is harmful when it isn’t, and produces an overabundance of antibodies to address the assumed issue. To address an allergic reaction, it is helpful to know the root cause of the allergy. Common root causes of allergies are inflammation and toxin overload, and an immune system overreaction is the result. Addressing any inflammation and toxins in a child may reduce the occurrence or severity of any allergic reactions. (5)

A promising study on food allergies — An exciting new study identified the bacteria in the human gut that protect against food allergies and can prevent or reverse existing food allergies. Fecal samples from infants with and without food allergies were transplanted into mice that were allergic to eggs. Mice who received microbiota from healthy infants were better protected against egg allergies than those that received samples from infants with food allergies. This is exciting research that could soon help millions of children around the world. (6)

Latest research on allergies — immunotherapy

There’s exciting research and evidence that oral immunotherapy can lower children’s risk of severe allergic reactions. The study, recently published in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In Practice, is the first to demonstrate that exposing children to a small, regular dose of peanuts in a real-world setting (outside of a clinical trial) is effective in reducing the risk of allergic reactions.

The treatment method involves gradually increasing the allergen given to the child. One treatment aim is for the child to ingest a full serving of the allergen without triggering a dangerous reaction. Another goal is protection in the event of accidental exposure to limit the need for epinephrine injections in response to reactions. To sustain a level of immunity, the child must continue to ingest or be exposed to the allergen regularly.

After one year, the researchers found that nearly 80% of the children could eat 15 peanuts (equivalent to 4000 mg of peanut protein) without reaction during an allergist-supervised oral challenge. Almost every child (more than 98%) who participated in the study could eat three to four peanuts without reaction, which is enough to protect from 99% of accidental exposures.

This type of therapy can do much more than mask allergy symptoms, as do medications. Oral immunotherapy can prevent a life-threatening reaction to an allergen. (7)


Also known as atopic dermatitis, eczema is when the skin becomes red, itchy, cracked, and painful. Many treatments, both over-the-counter and prescription, are available to reduce the symptoms, but none can eradicate the condition.

The latest research on eczema says that there is a root cause. Children with eczema don’t have enough of a protein called filaggin in the outer layer of their skin. Promising research seeks to increase filaggin production in the skin. (89)

Here are some ways to address the root cause of eczema and control it naturally.

  • Boost the immune system — An overactive immune system can cause eczema to flare up. Encourage washing hands more frequently, making sleep a priority, and consuming a healthy diet of unprocessed, non-inflammatory whole foods. (10)

  • Decrease systemic inflammation — Inflammation in the body and gut leads to decreased immune function, poor detoxification pathways, and leaky gut. When that happens, the ability to digest and absorb nutrients from food slows, and the body can’t detoxify effectively. It comes out in the skin as eczema. (11)

  • Detox the liver — The liver is responsible for many processes in the body, including detoxification. Supporting the liver can help improve the body’s ability to detoxify so that it isn’t relying on the skin to do so. (12)

  • Drink plenty of water — Encourage your clients to drink plenty of water throughout the day to avoid dehydration. Proper hydration helps keep up the skin’s moisture level and supports detoxification. (13)

  • Manage stress — Stress is a common trigger of eczema in children. Supporting a child’s natural stress response and limiting stressful situations can prevent an eczema flare-up. (14)

  • Treat the gut — A large portion of the immune system is in the gut. Gut dysbiosis can cause an array of problems, from skin rashes to poor immune function. The gut affects digestive health, the immune system, and detox pathways, which in turn affect the skin. (15)

  • Use only natural skin products — Make sure your clients only use natural skin products, especially unscented ones, to avoid triggering a flare-up. Instruct them to choose products with no harsh chemicals and to pat their child dry gently after a bath or shower to help retain some skin moisture before applying lotion. (16)

5 Common Inflammation Triggers 

Counteracting inflammation in children is easier when we know what causes or aggravates it. There are several environmental triggers that, if avoided, can greatly reduce the chances of having to deal with and treat an inflammation-based ailment.


Children love playing outside. Unfortunately, there are hidden dangers to playing outside in the grass, namely glyphosate. With the abundant use of weed killer on crops, sports fields, and grass, playing outside in open fields or on lawns might not be as healthy as it should be. Exposure to glyphosate can trigger the body’s inflammation response and manifest as asthma, eye irritation, headaches, nausea, nose bleeds, skin rashes, sore throats, and more.

Due to the damage glyphosate can do to the body, it is important to remove it from a child’s system if exposure is suspected with binders. You can also look to replenish any lost minerals from glyphosate exposure. (17)

Nutritional deficiencies

Nutritional deficiency is linked to a variety of inflammatory conditions. This includes key micronutrients like copper, iron, vitamin D, and zinc. For example, zinc helps modulate pro-inflammatory responses, control oxidative stress, and regulate inflammatory cytokines. Zinc deficiency can trigger inflammation and immune dysfunction. This is just one example of many micronutrients that play key roles in a balanced system. (1819)

To treat and prevent inflammation, an anti-inflammatory diet can benefit your clients. Increasing your intake of leafy green vegetables, legumes, and omega-3 fatty acids has proven most helpful in restoring nutrients the body needs to combat inflammation and prevent resultant symptoms. (20)

An additional way to help correct nutritional deficiency in clients is through mineral supplementation. CellCore’s CT-Minerals contains over 69 natural trace minerals essential to the body to support biochemical and metabolic functions.


Parasites affect millions of children worldwide and can cause multiple health issues. Children may be more susceptible to parasites because they frequently put their hands and objects in their mouths. Children can pick up parasites from contaminated foods, dirty objects, playing with animals, running barefoot outside, and water from pools and streams. (21)

If a child shows the following inflammation-based symptoms of parasites, look to a parasite detox protocol to combat the problem. (22)

  • Allergies

  • Digestive disorders

  • Frequent illness

  • Insatiable hunger

  • Insomnia, joint and muscle pain

  • Skin rashes

To learn more about parasitic infections and other common symptoms, go here.

Radioactive elements

Radioactive elements are made up of atoms with unstable nuclei that give off radiation as part of attaining stability. All radiation carries energy that may damage living cells. This damage may cause cells either to die or to change their structure and function. The body naturally reacts to radioactive exposure with an inflammatory response. Children can be exposed to radioactive elements from three main sources: (2324)

  • Medical radiation — comes from CT scans, radiation therapy, and X-rays.

  • Natural background radiation — comes from cosmic rays from the solar system and radioactive elements in the soil. This is the major contributor to worldwide radiation exposure.

  • Non-medical radiation — is used in small amounts in airport security scanners, food irradiation, and some consumer products. Exposure to artificial radiation can happen in communities due to above-ground nuclear weapons testing and nuclear accidents.

For most, the biggest concern for radioactive element exposure is drinking water. Municipality water has been found to contain radium. The Environmental Working Group (EWG) has a map available that shows the amount of radium on average in any specific area in the United States.

For clients who live in affected areas, or for those with possible radioactive element toxicity, you can recommend they switch to distilled water.

Toxins in common products

Glyphosate, parasites, and the other issues mentioned above are not the only areas your clients need to worry about for their children. There are dangers lurking in hidden areas, such as children’s products.

Luckily, we can reduce the amount of inflammation-causing chemicals children are exposed to every day by avoiding products that contain the following.

  • Bisphenol A (BPA) is a chemical used to make certain plastics. BPA is banned from baby bottles and sippy cups, but unfortunately, it isn’t banned everywhere. BPA can be found in feeding containers, plastic packaging, and many children’s toys. To avoid BPA in these products, recommend your clients only buy wooden toys and stainless steel food containers, and read the label before purchasing to ensure the product is BPA-free. (25)

  • Flame retardants can be found in bedding, car seats, and foam baby products like nursing pillows and nap mats. Flame retardants appear immediately in the bloodstream and urine, and have long-term dangers like ADD, cancer, endocrine disruption, fertility issues, lower IQ, and thyroid disease. These chemicals cannot prevent fires and are unnecessary, especially considering the health ramifications. (26)

  • Formaldehyde is found in children’s and baby’s shampoo and liquid soaps. Formaldehyde is linked to cancer and is considered a human carcinogen. Formaldehyde can be released over time in small amounts from certain preservatives in the personal care products. (27)

  • Pesticides are found in bug repellent, disinfectant cleaners and hand soaps, and residues on non-organic produce. The American Academy of Pediatrics points to pesticide residue in food as the root of exposure. To reduce exposure, instruct your clients to look for natural products that do not contain glyphosate. Also, avoid antibacterial soaps and disinfectants with harmful chemicals. (28)

  • Phthalates is the fragrance in cleaning and personal care products, plastics, and toys. Phthalates are endocrine disruptors linked to asthma, developmental disorders, increased allergic reactions, infertility, and reproductive malformations. Your client can avoid phthalates by choosing fragrance-free products and baby bottle nipples made from hospital-grade silicone. Plus, avoiding plastic food containers where possible. (29)

The Protocol and Dosages for Kids

Foundational medicine can combat all the chemicals that come to your clients and their children. As your clients cannot protect their children from every known toxin, the next best option is to take steps to remove the toxins already invading their bodies.

Step 1 — Increases energy and drainage with Advanced TUDCABioToxin Binder, and CT-Minerals. These products promote healthy digestion, build energy levels, and support the body in preparation for further detox.

Step 2 — Gives the body gut and immune support with KL-SupportMitoATPPara 1Para 2, and ViRadChem Binder to build momentum for a deeper detox. This step focuses on balancing gut bacteria, cleaning out the insides, and supporting mitochondria.

Step 3 — Helps the body prepare for an even deeper detox. These products counteract chemicals, radiation, and viruses; detox beyond the gut; and deepen parasite cleansing: HydrOxygenLymphActiv, Para 1Para 2, and ViRadChem Binder.

Step 4 — Tackles leftover and lingering toxins for a systemic detox with CT-IodineCT-MineralsHM-ET Binder, and Inflamma Control. Helps bind unwanted elements and target toxins still in the body.

This step includes Inflamma Control (IFC), which is especially helpful for battling inflammation in the body. This blend of natural anti-inflammatories can be included at any stage of a health journey for individuals who need extra support in calming down their systems.

Tips to Disguise the Products

Although the products in the protocol can go a long way to healing even the deepest and most destructive toxins, it can be hard for kids to see the value. To help children take these products without issue, consider the following suggestions. (3031)

  • Be positive — If the parent is stressed and dreading the time to take the products, so will the child. Praising children for taking them and not punishing or speaking negatively to them if they make a fuss will lead to a calmer scenario each time.

  • Get creative — Supplements, whether liquid or pills, don’t always have to be taken as directed. A child may make less of a fuss if it becomes a fun routine rather than something to dread. Suggest your client offer the supplements in their child’s favorite cup, in a syringe, or maybe alongside a favorite toy.

  • Give choices — Sometimes giving children a few options helps them to take the products easier. Have your client give options such as how to take the supplements (cup, spoon, in food), when to take them (before or after getting dressed), or where to take them (at the dinner table, in front of the TV).

  • Mask the taste — To make it easier on the little ones, open the capsules and hide the powders in applesauce, mashed potatoes, or other soft foods. Parents can also hide the tinctures in juice, smoothies, or water.

Parents may not be able to protect their children from everything, but there are many steps they can take to reduce the dangers around them. By reading labels, making healthy and informed choices, and following the protocol, they can rest assured that their children are as happy and healthy as possible.


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